DECAP 1000

DECAP 1000

iBiotec DECAP 1000 aerosol cleaning and stripping agent for plasturgy. It has been specifically made for the cleaning and pickling of mold cavities.

DECAP 1000 is recommended for the elimination of implemented agents at the time of molding operations per injection: it eliminates silicones, paintable silicones, esters, waxes but also the amalgams of minerals such as stearates used in mixture with the plyamide and polystyrene pellets.

It il also appropriate for the elimination of the deposits generated by the processes. In the event of brutal cooling of the molds, components of the plastics of low molecular mass- oligomers solidify less quickly than their counterparts of raised molecular mass and settle on the surface of the molds.

DECAP 1000 eliminates all the residues but also the traces of oxidation, it does not generate corrosion. It is also appropriate for the cleaning of the vents but also the guides of ejectors.


For more information, please visit this products webpage.


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This product was added to our catalog on Tuesday 30 June, 2015.